Event NewsThe Welsh Game Fair Glanusk Estate1 year agoThe Welsh Game Fair moves south to the historic Glanusk Estate in the Black Mountains in the Bannau Brycheiniog National…
Event NewsChristmas Day family Service1 year agoEveryone welcome to the Christmas Day family Service At 11.30 – 12.15 at Penmyarth Church, Mulled Wine and hot eats…
Latest NewsCOVID-19 INFORMATION UPDATE4 years agoFollowing the First Minister’s briefing of Monday 30th November 2020 we have notified all guests regarding the change in lockdown…
FishingLatest NewsGIFT VOUCHERS AND GIFT IDEAS4 years agoWhy not give your loved ones a Gift of Glanusk this Christmas? The beauty of a voucher is you can…
FishingLatest NewsWELSH FIREBREAKER LOCKDOWN ENDS ON 9TH NOVEMBER 20204 years agoWe are delighted to announce that following the First Minister’s announcement we will be open for guests who are residents…
Latest NewsGLANUSK CARAVAN PARK 2020 SEASON4 years agoAfter a short but enjoyable 2020 season Glanusk Caravan Park is now closed. We have closed one week early due…
Latest NewsFIREBREAK LOCKDOWN IN WALES4 years agoThe Welsh Government have announced a Wales wide Firebreak lockdown from 6pm on Friday 23rd October to Monday 9th November…
FishingLatest NewsFISHING SEASON CLOSURE 20204 years agoPlease note that the fishing season is over until 2021. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed their fishing at…
Latest NewsCARAVAN PARK AVAILABILITY4 years agoHaving enjoyed a full caravan park we are delighted that there are pitches currently available at Glanusk Caravan Park from…
Latest NewsPERMISSIVE PATH RE-OPENS on 10th OCTOBER4 years agoThe Permissive Path re-opens on Saturday 10th October 2020 Please be mindful of social distancing and keep your dogs on…
Events Held at GlanuskLatest NewsGLANUSK ESTATE FAYRE & NGS OPEN GARDEN 20214 years agoA firm favourite in the diary is the Glanusk Estate Fayre and NGS Open Garden which is traditionally held in…
Latest NewsGLANUSK CARAVAN PARK END OF SEASON4 years agoThe Glanusk Caravan Park 2020 Season ends on 31st October. We are currently full, pitches will be available to book…